2016 News Blog
Dylan & I enjoy a day out with friends at Ashbourne & DCS Open Show where under judge Kevin Whitehead (Jacalous) he wins his AVNSC W Junior classes and goes on to be awarded Reserve Best AVNSC. Thank you to friend Jenny Shorer-Wheeler for these pics of him after judging.
All of us here at Fenrirkin wish our friends and family a Happy Christmas. It is unseasonably warm on the 25th so we enjoy an early morning Boxing Day run by head torch instead.
We have a good day at the last Allerton pull of the year.
Dylan is pulled again by friend Marina and shows improved form, successfully pulling the maximum weight permitted in novice class.
Harry shows minimal concentration but still manages to maintain his consistent 16x his bodyweight in the 81-100lb class.
Star of the day is Lucie who with a pull of over 26x her bodyweight not only wins the 41-60lb class but also pulls the highest percentage of
bodyweight overall.
At the Allerton weightpull today, we have a good day despite my losing my voice, with Lucie pulling 22.2x her
bodyweight to come 2nd in the 41-60lb class, and Harry showing good form and pulling over 16x his bodyweight.
Star of the day is Dylan who with the help of friend Marina pulls 1000lb for the first time - circa 13x his bodyweight - in the novice class.
Today we celebrate Dylan's 1st birthday at The Nordic Speciality Show with a family & friends ringside celebration, as well as some time in the ring.
In breed classes, under judge Liz Bruns (Kirakoo), he places 1st Post Graduate and goes on to take a final Best Puppy award to end his career.
Harry is also showing and places Reserve in Limit Dog / Bitch under judge Caroline Friend-Rees (Amical).
A special day today as Maya turns 13 years old - happy birthday special lady! Pictured here with Harry (ten years younger than her)!
A quick day out for just the Malamutes at Hyde & DCA Open Show where Harry places 2nd in Post Graduate and Lucie places 3rd in Open under judge Catherine Moffat (Kyleca).
At Edinstowe & DCS Open Show, we are lucky to have Greenland Dog Club of GB sponsored breed classes. Dylan is in
Puppy Dog or Bitch under judge Steve Myring (Fortezza) and goes on to not only win his class and Best Puppy in Breed, but also Reserve Best of Breed to his Mum, Java.
The Malamutes, meanwhile, are both in AVNSC under Sue Mycroft (Supeta) and also have a good day with Lucie placing 2nd in Open to the overall
BAVNSC, and Harry winning his Post Graduate class.
It's a wet weightpull at Allerton, providing tough pulling conditions for the dogs, but we enjoy our day out nonetheless. Dylan continues to practice in novice class, whilst Lucie manages a pull of over 15x her bodyweight to come second in the 41-60lb class, whilst Harry moves up into the 81-100lb class and manages to pull over 16x his bodyweight to come 8th of 15.
We start the month at Working & Pastoral Breeds of Scotland Championship Show. In AVNSC Working Puppy, Dylan places 3rd under
judge Margarette Mulholland (Mariscat). Meanwhie, in Malamutes, Harry places 3rd in Post Graduate Dog under judge Barry Wanless (Northcoast),
while under judge Aniko Vasarhelyi (Okinastar) Lucie wins Open Bitch and goes on to take Best Bitch and Best Opposite Sex.
Sadly no show photos but we celebrate the next morning with a nice muddy training run (Harry & Dylan in lead, Lucie in wheel).
At Selby CS Open Show, Harry and Lucie both have blue card days with a 2nd in Post Graduate & 2nd in Open under judge Mrs J M Connor (Tazfuji). Under the same judge, Dylan also places VHC in a large AVNSC Working Puppy class.
At Midland Counties Championship Show, Dylan places 2nd in AVNSC Working Puppy under judge Albert Wight, and Harry places Reserve in Post Graduate Dog under Andrew Brace. No placing for Lucie in a nice Open Bitch class but she puts on a good performance.
Dylan, Harry, Lucie & I head down to the Excel Arena in London to represent the Greenland Dog & Alaskan Malamute breed at the Kennel Club's Discover Dog's Event. Dylan is watched by "Auntie" Suzanne Ile's and her Dad (who own her sister Latte) while I man the Malamute stand and safe to say the dogs have loads of fun meeting and greeting the public.
We make the long trip down to South West Working & Pastoral Breeds to support the Greenland Dog classes, where under judge Storm Wheeler (Northspirit) Dylan places 1st Open, Best Puppy & Best of Breed. Meanwhile, under the same judge in Malamutes, Harry wins his Post Graduate class and Lucie places 2nd in Open to the BOB and ultimate BIS winner.
We have a good day at Grantham & DCS Open Show. In breed judging Harry places 2nd in Post Graduate and Lucie places 2nd in Open & Reserve Best of Breed under judge Kat Copley-Holland (Katabatic), whilst Dylan also places a respectable 3rd in a large AVNSC Working Puppy Class under Ian Sexton.
After the Group, we decide to stay for the rather large stakes classes, where under judge Christina Chapman (Bukris) I am thrilled with Dylan
earning some money with a Reserve in the puppy stakes, Lucie placing 2nd in GCDS Stakes and Harry gaining a special "HC" in the Open Stakes.
Today is the first Allerton Weightpull competition of the season and was a decent start for my "team" in a massive 70+ entry of dogs. Dylan had a couple of goes in novice and successfully pulled 800lb with no real concerns before calling it a day. Harry actually showed some signs of concentration to come 10th in a 20+ entry 61-80lb class, and Lucie won the 41-60lb class with a pull of over 23x her bodyweight.
At SWKA Championship Show we have a good day out. In Malamute judging, under Jeff Horswell, Harry places VHC in Post Grad Dog (handled by Kirsten Druce) and Lucie places 3rd in Open Bitch. Meanwhile in AVNSC Working, under Paul Wilkinson, Dylan wins his Puppy Dog class and goes on to win Best AVNSC Puppy.
We start the month at the Greenland Dog Club of Great Britain's first Breed Seminar & AGM. Dylan has great fun as one of the demo dogs for the hands on, and ends the day on a high when during the pre-AGM Trophy Presentation he is announced as Top Puppy 2016 & Top Dog 2016 in the Greenland Dog of the Year Competition. As these pictures demonstrate, Dylan took his winnings very seriously!!
We end the month at a blustery Driffield Championship Show. In Malamute judging, under Roger Cruden (Shamsky) Harry places VHC in Post Graduate Dog and Lucie takes 2nd in GCDS Bitch. Meanwhile, in Greenland Dog judging Dylan has a fab day placing 1st Puppy Dog, Best Dog, Best Puppy & Best of Breed under Steve Hall (Shendene).
A great day at the AMCUK Championship Show, where in a 90+ entry Lucie does us proud by winning her Open Bitch class
and going on to take the Bitch CC under judge John Phillips (Monikoona / Stormwinds). As if not good enough, in agreement with co-judge Sue Ellis (Chayo) she goes on to take the Best Opposite Sex and
Reserve Best in Speciality Show.
Not to forget Harry who is expertly handled by friend Donna Jarvis to take 3rd in Mid Limit Dog.
And to round things off, both Harry and Dylan have their eyes tested as HC clear.
Today the whole "show team" are at Nidderdale Open Show; in Malamute judging, under Leanne Parkinson (Jaberjax) super-naked Lucie places 3rd in Open Dog or Bitch, whilst Harry wins his Post Graduate class. In AVNSC Working, under judge Gary Lewthwaite (Garwaite) Dylan does even better with a Special Yearling win, Best AVNSC Puppy and Best in AVNSC.
A solo trip to Darlington Championship Show with Dylan to support the Greenland Dog breed classes, where I am super thrilled with him taking Best Puppy in Breed and Reserve Best Dog under judge Peter Jolley (Rubico)
More rain at Richmond Championship Show, where Dylan wins his AVNSC class to take Best Puppy Dog under judge David Guy (Donzeata), and Lucie places Reserve in Malamute Open Bitch under judge Kevin Young (Sunkap).
It was team black and white out at City of Birmingham Championship Show, which saw Lucie placed 1st in GCDS Bitch under Malamute judge Albert Wight (Sharval). Meanwhile, Dylan was showing in AVNSC Working classes under judge Liz Stannard (Shiarita) where he won his Puppy Dog class and went on to win Best AVNSC Puppy in the challenge. Well worth braving the rain!
A good day out for our team at Leicester City CS Open Show. In Malamute breed classes, under breed specialist judge Hayley Henworth (Wolfraven) Lucie places 1st in Open with Harry 2nd behind her in the same class, kindly handled by friend Racheal Bailey. Lucie then goes on to win Best of Breed.
Meanwhile in AVNSC Working, Dylan wins his class and earns Best AVNSC Puppy under judge Tim Hutchings (Winiwuk).
At WKC Championship Show today, Dylan places 2nd in AVNSC W/P/T Puppy under judge Edith Newton (Nevedith).
The boys and I stay a bit more local today and head East to Scunthorpe CA Open Show. Both are showing in AVNSC Working under Judge Roger Cruden (Shamsky). Harry places 3rd in Post Graduate Dog or Bitch, while Dylan is on form gaining 1st in a strong class of 8 entries, and going on to win Best Puppy and then Working Puppy Group 3.
We are showing in the South again today at Bournemouth Championship Show, where Dylan place 3rd in AVNSC Working / Pastoral / Terrier Minor Puppy Dog. under judge Melanie Spavin (Dialynne) I also handle 'Tyler' - Cedarcreek Frozen River - on behalf of his co-owners Marina Page and Joan & Jeff Sheehan who at only 16 months old places 2nd in Limit Dog under judge Richard Kinsey (Kitarn).
We start the month with the long trek down to Paignton Championship Show. In Malamutes, Harry is placed VHC from Post Graduate Dog under judge Lorraine Bolton (Rikarlo), whilst in Greenland Dog classes under judge Mr C Cooper, Dylan wins his Junior class and goes on to place Best Puppy in Breed and Reserve Best Dog.
JULY 2016
To end the month, I have a "boys weekend" of Open Shows with Harry & Dylan.
On Saturday we were at Heckington Show, competing in the AV Sled Dog classes under judge Anne Hardy (Amhard); Dylan places 2nd in Puppy
and Harry places 1st in Graduate and goes on to take Best of Breed in the challenge! As not judged on the group system we decided to skip
Best In Show and went for an explore of the showground instead.
And then today we were at York CA; we skipped Harry's class in Malamutes, but I got the fun of handling Andrew Scott's handsome Earl - Arcticdawn Earls The Name - who came 2nd in Puppy.
Dylan was competing in AVNSC and won his Graduate class and then Best Puppy under judge Steven Harrison (Harrizona). No further group wins, but
happy with his performance.
JULY 2016
The Kaytoo team hold a practice weightpull at Allerton today. The weather is too warm to do any high weights, so we keep the trolley at the starting weight of 400lb which enables some of the younger dogs to have a few tries, including my own Dylan who barely notices any weight behind him! Harry also has a little practice. Thank you Kirsty Mountstephens for taking and sharing these pics:
Today we are at our most local of Champ shows and have an overall good - if long - day. Lucie is under judge Anne Hardy (Amhard) in Malamute judging and places 3rd in Open Bitch behind two Champions. Meanwhile Dylan is showing in AVSNC Working under judge Jill Peak (Bayard) and goes on to win 1st Minor Puppy Dog, Best Puppy Dog & Best Puppy. Nothing in the group but we enjoy our day out regardless. I also handle for the first time the beautiful 'Pika' (CH Maidofcopper For Koromandel) - owned by Jenny Shorer-Wheeler & Lorraine Bolton - who is unplaced in a huge Junior Stakes class but behaves brilliantly.
Another nice - but very hot - day out with our black and white show team, this time travelling down to Kingston CS Open Show. In Malamutes, under judge James Rogerson (Kessem) Lucie wins her Open class and goes on to take Best of Breed, whilst in Greenland Dog classes, under judge Neil Hood (Buhcafrey) Dylan places 1st Special Yearling and goes on to win rosettes for Best Puppy, Best Special Yearling & Best of Breed. Nothing in the groups and couldn't stay for the Best Special Yearling In Show Stakes but pleased with both dog's performances
It's a hot but enjoyable day at National Working & Pastoral Breeds Championship Show which sees Lucie placing Reserve in Open Bitch under judge Jill Broadberry (Hyteton). In Greenand Dogs, our replacement judge is Frank Kane (Hirontower) where Dylan places 1st in Post Graduate Dog and Best Puppy in Breed. Nothing in the group but he has a lot of fun in the big ring.
A special happy birthday to my Stan The Man who turns 9 years old. We have a relaxed day with a gentle stroll and a few extra treats.
July starts at East of Engand Championship Show with the black and white show team both under judge David Cavill (Toveri). In Malamutes, Lucie places Reserve in Open Bitch whilst Dylan is the star of the day, competing in breed classes for the first time and placing 1st Puppy Dog / Bitch, Reserve Best Dog and Best Puppy in Breed.
Our month ends at Windsor Championship Show, with Lucie placing VHC in a nice Open Bitch class under judge Elina Haapaniemi (Finland), whilst Dylan places 3rd in AVNSC W/P Puppy Dog under judge Paul Eardley (Sherex).
At Blackpool Championship Show today we endure the traditional changeable weather but have an enjoyable day nonetheless.
In Malamutes our judge is spitz specialist Christina Chapman (Bukris). Lucie is unplaced in a large Open Bitch class- but enjoys her day out
- whilst Harry takes VHC in a nice Post Graduate Dog class.
Meanwhile in AVNSC Working / Pastoral under judge Frances Krall (Jafrak) Dylan celebrates his 7 month birthday in style, winning his Puppy Dog
class and going on to take Best Puppy, Best Junior and Reserve Best Dog.
Today is the Canadian Eskimo Dog Club of GB Annual Open Show, as well as their Breed Specific Seminar.
I had lots of fun handling for the first time the lovely Kara (Shepherdsway Snow Showers Over Akna) - owned by Matt & Harriet Smith - who not only won her Veteran Bitch class but went on to
take Best Bitch and Best Opposite Sex in show. I also got to take in the pretty Luna (Akna Zephoned At Sivulliik) - owned by Paul Keenan - who placed Res in a large Yearling Bitch.
It was then onto the Breed Seminar, where I got to enjoy some fascinating presentations and talks, and Lucie & Dylan got to enjoy some attention while acting as demo dogs in the sled dog breed comparison section of the day.
We travel to Scotland for Border Union Championship Show today and what an enjoyable day it is! In Alaskan Malamute judging under Breed Specialist Kath Howarth (Hawkam), Harry is handled by friend Donna Jarvis to take Reserve in Post Graduate Dog, and Lucie places 3rd in Open Bitch. Meanwhile Dylan is competing in AVNSC Working under Stuart Plane (Stuane) and comes away with a Puppy Dog class win and Best Puppy.
We have an enjoyable day out at Honley Open Show. Lucie places 2nd in Open Dog or Bitch under Breed Specialist Gill Reid (Milagre). Dylan has an even better day though, placings 1st AVNSC Working Puppy Dog or Bitch and going on to take Best Puppy and Working Puppy Group Two under judge David Howarth (Moorbrook / Arkview).
It's a warm day at Three Counties Championship Show, but am pleased with the performance of the dogs, where Lucie places VHC in Open Bitch under judge Stuart Mallard (Tuckles / Lameda) and Dylan places Reserve in AVNSC W/T Puppy Dog under judge Mr M Armstrong (Bitcon).
Dylan has a holiday with our friend Lisa Mort (Arcticbreeze) who handles him to place 3rd AVNSC W PD at Southern Counties Championship Show under judge Zena Thorn Andrews (Drakesleat).
At Boston & DCS Premier Open Show, Dylan finds himself in a huge entry of 17 in AVNSC W PD, but does me proud by going on to take 2nd in his class. Lucie is also entered in Breed Judging at takes 2nd Open D/B under judge Helen Taylor-Morris (Pelentan).
We start Dylan's show career with a bang at Bath Championship Show, where in AVNSC W/P he not only wins his Puppy Dog Class but goes on to take Best Dog, Best Opposite Sex & Best Puppy In Breed - what a star!
At SKC Championship Show today, Lucie does me proud with a 2nd in a nice Open Bitch class behind the BCC winner
under judge Jim Broadberry (Hyteton). I also enjoy handling Jo Saye's Pippi (Packice Finnmark Mini Me) who Crufts qualifies with a 2nd in Puppy Bitch.
Today we attend the AMCUK Rescue Fun Day. I am busy helping out with the event, but the dogs come along to socialise and act as demonstrations. I also manage to find time to take Dylan into the fun show, where he places 2nd in "Sweetest Youngster" and wins some nice treats.Lucie is unplaced in Prettiest Female but enjoys herself regardless!
We have a fun day out the AMCUK May Open Show with a mixed set of results. Harry is unplaced in his Post Graduate Dog class but places Reserve in Special Working Certified Open Dog under judge Louise Forster (Kachemak). Lucie has a bit more success, placing Reserve in a lovely Open Bitch class under the same judge, as well as a 1st in Special Working certified Open Bitch under judge Joan Sheehan (Amaqqut) and 3rd in Special Rescue Stakes Open Bitch under Angela Anderson (Cherubini). I also have the pleasure of handling some lovely dogs, placing 3rd in Puppy Bitch with Jo Saye's Pippi (Packice Finnmark Mini Me) and Reserve in Special Open Import with Andy Scott & Jackie Wheatley's Flo (Iyara Greyjoy of Greystone Shadow). Well done to all who competed.
The AMCUK MOYA awards were announced today. Unfortunately we missed submitting our points for the WMOYA Competition, but am pleased to report that despite very limited showing in 2015, Lucie is awarded 17th Top Bitch and Harry is awarded 20th Top Dog & 10th Top Import.
Today we are competing at WELKS Championship Show under judge Dave Killilea (Redwitch). Lucie does me proud with a VHC in a strong Open Bitch Class, while Harry is handled by friend Charlotte Druce who works very hard with him to earn 1st place in Post Graduate Dog. This also Crufts qualifies him for 2017.
I also handle for the first time Tyler - Cedarcreek Frozen River - co-owned by Joan & Jeff Sheehan and breeder Marina Page, who placed VHC in Junior Dog.
A happy 6th birthday to our very special Lucie - RBISS Windberg Paparazzi To Fenrirkin WTD WPDA* WWPDX. A very special and irreplacable lady for whom we are ever indebted to breeder's Jayne & Ian Hood for bringing into the Fenrirkin pack - pictured here enjoying a late winter / early spring stroll
Today is the final Allerton Park working event & BBQ, where there is one more competitive pull and the trophies for the Championship are awarded.
On the day, Lucie wins the 60lb & Under class, with a pull of over 21x her bodyweight.
She also collects the Stormwinds trophy for 3rd in the 61-80lb class overall. In the same class, Harry also places 6th of 32 qualifying dogs - a
good result despite a challenging season.
Dylan does us very proud tonight by passing his KC GCDS Foundation Obedience Award at just over 4 months - what a clever boy!
At Crufts Championship Show today, Harry was unplaced in an entry of fourteen in Post Graduate Dog but had a lot of fun being handled for the first time by Charlotte Druce who did a great job. I later took in Lucie who placed a respectable third in her GCDS Bitch Class, and had the impromptu pleasure of handling the Canadian Eskimo Dog 'Luna' (Akna Zephoned At Sivulliik) - owned by Paul Keenan - who placed second in Junior Bitch.
It's another day's poor pulling conditions at Allerton, with persistent rain creating poor traction and Harry & Lucie placing 6th & 7th of 17 in the 61-80lb class. Nonetheless, we have an enjoyable day out, with Dylan socialising while the older two compete, and Claire Wilkinson has been kind enough to share these snaps from the day.
Today we venture to Matlock & District CS Open Show where under judge Lauren Perfitt (Samjoe) Harry places 3rd Post Graduate Dog or Bitch, and Lucie wins her Open Dog or Bitch Class and goes on to take Reserve Best of Breed.
With yet more rain and even some sleet, we once again faced tough weight pulling conditions at Allerton, but despite this lots of fun and smiles all round. Lucie and Harry were both in the 61-80lb class, with Lucie pulling over 19x her bodyweight to place 3rd and Harry coming 9th of 14 competing. And Dylan of course had lots of fun socialising, and made many new human and canine friends.
An exciting start to the month as we bring home our new addition and first Greenland Dog, Dylan. We cannot wait to see what the future holds :)
We end the month with a trip to Leigh Canine Society Open Show which also gives us a repeat set of results from the previous weekend, Harry placing 1st Post Graduate Dog or Bitch and Lucie 1st Open Dog or Bitch and Best of Breed under judge Elaine Caldwell (Zentaur).
At Ashton Under Lyne & District KA Open Show today, Harry places 1st Graduate Dog or Bitch and Lucie wins 1st Open Dog or Bitch and ultimately Best of Breed under judge Colin Woodward (Wadeson).
Braving Yorkshire's first snow of the year, today we head to Allerton Park for the next round of the weightpull championship.
Lucie is on good form and works super hard to place 3rd in the 61-80lb class with a pull of 26.23x her bodyweight
Harry still need to practice his concentration skills but manages a 6th place and a pull of 18.57x his bodyweight.
Our first show of the year is Boston Championship Show, which sees Harry place 2nd in Graduate Dog under judge Hedd
Richards (Sheridel).
I also get the pleasure of handling in the CED ring and was very pleased with my boy for the challenge, Jackson - Arcticice Qimmiq Jackson At Akna - winning Best Dog and Best of Breed. Big well done
to owner Racheal Bailey (Akna) and thanks for giving me the pleasure of handling your young man.
Happy new year from all of us here at Fenrirkin :)