A relatively local open show to start our month, with breed classes scheduled at Isle of Ely CS Open Show. Our Judge Cath Moffatt (Kyleca) chose Jess as her Open class winner and Best of Breed, with
Noah 2nd & Reserve Best of Breed, Alice 3rd Open and Jack 1st Puppy & Best Puppy in Breed. Good dogs!!
A sharp contrast to last week's successes, not our best weightpull for any of our dogs today - which I will largely take the blame for due to being full of cold and unable to give the dogs the normal
level of enthusiasm in the chute but deciding to bring them along for at least a short outing.
Despite the performances not being the best, our gang still came away with some podium placings, seeing Noah 1st in 101lb+ class and Dylan 2nd in the 61-80lb class; Harry and Alice missed out on the
top 3, with Harry taking 4th after I decided to withdraw him and Alice tangling herself out by saying hello to the chute handler twice in a row and coming 5th. Jess & Ryan had a short stint in
novice too - before I again decided to withdraw - and Jack enjoyed a day of socialising.
All was not lost for our affix, however, as Kurts had a fantastic day with Elska - Fenrirkin Out Of The Black - winning the 41-60lb class and also claiming highest percentage of bodyweight pulled -
such a good girl!
While Jess stayed in Thetford (see yesterday's update), I jumped into the van with the rest of the gang and headed North once more to attend the CEDCGB-AMCUK Weightpull.
It wasn’t one of the largest entries – circa 15 dogs entered but still lovely to see a mixed Malamute / CED / Sibe entry – and I think it’s fair to say none of the dogs pulled the best we have seen
them (perhaps because rounds were coming around quite quickly or maybe the colder weather – if only we could ask them but even so the Fenrirkin gang certainly gave me a lot to be proud of with a hat
trick of top honours in the overall competition.
Noah – 1st 101lb+ class & Highest Weight Pulled (1900lb)
Alice – 1st 41-60lb class, Highest Weight Pulled by Opposite Sex & Highest Percentage of Bodyweight Pulled (1200lb / 22.2x)
Elska – 2nd 41-60lb class (pulled by owner Kurts Reders, an equal 1200lb to her Mum but not quite as fast)
Harry – 3rd 81-100lb class (1500lb – so glad he still enjoys his time in the chute)
Dylan – 3rd 61-80lb class (I think his final weight was something super unimpressive as I had skipped rounds before he made his refusal, maybe 800lb, but he had fun)!
Ryan – in novice class but pulling the maximum 1000lb for the first time. And while still a pain for wanting to jump the barrier to say hello to those officiating on the other side showed some
moments of improvement in his concentration)! Not a bad day's work!
After finishing up the groups on Friday, it was a case of packing up the van as quickly as we could to head back across the country to Thetford Forest ahead of Jess teaming up with friend Kim
Godfrey’s Greenland Duo Wolvey & Strike for two days of racing at BSSF Round 2 Santon Downham.
Though Jess has ran with Wolvey before both as a 2 dog and as a 3 dog with Mum Alice, this was to be the first time running Strike & Jess together in a team (our attempts at a trial run prior to
the event were thwarted by weather conditions, alas) but we needn’t have had any concerns as they made a fabulous trio, clearly having the best of times on the trail and ultimately coming away with
gold in DF4 over the two days and a respectable set of times, too!!
Congratulations Kim and well done dogs!!
Today was a trip to Stafford for Manchester Championship Show, another debut for young Jack with this being his first UK Champ Show Experience. Results as follows under judge Tom Johnston:
Jess – 1st Open Bitch, Best Bitch & Best of Breed (even being in her bikini)!
Noah – 1st Open Dog, Best Dog & Best Opposite Sex (handled wonderfully by Stacey)
Jack – 1st Puppy Dog, Reserve Best Dog & Best Puppy in Breed
Alice – 2nd Open Bitch & Reserve Best Bitch (also handled wonderfully by Stacey)!
The highlight of these wins? Jack is now Crufts qualified for 2025 – just in time for us to get our entries in for March - clever little man!!
Today was a boys day out at Darlington & District CS Open Show for Jack’s first UK Show experience, with Noah tagging along to keep him company.
Under judge Tony Allcock OBE we had a wonderful set of results, with Jack winning Post Graduate and Noah winning Open, Noah then claiming Best of Breed in the challenge and Jack winning Best Puppy
and a default RBOB – good boys!
Onto the groups, where I was delighted with Noah being shortlisted to the final six from the 10+ breeds present but Jack was our superstar here, placing a fantastic Working Puppy Group 2 with some
really lovely comments from our judge – what an awesome first show for my youngest Norwegian
And - after double checking my records at home – I am also delighted to report that this Best of Breed gives Noah the 50th and final point he needed to close his Show Certificate of Excellence title
(subject to confirmation, of course). Way to go big lad!! This makes him the first male and only the second Greenland to achieve this title here in the UK (his kennelmate Jess being the first)
and suffice to say, with this being the only RKC title a Greenland Dog can achieve in this country outside a Veteran Warrant, it really does mean a lot to us!!
A happy new year to all our friends, family & general supporters! And as is tradition, we start the year by confirming our 2024 Dog placings in the Our Dogs 2024 Competition, where we had a
fairly clean streak across the board with our Greenlands.
Top Dog - Noah
Top Puppy - Ryan
Top Stud Dog -Dylan
Top Brood Bitch - Alice
Top Breeder - Fenrirkin!
Super proud of all our accolades, but especially so to our Dylan x Alice babies elsewhere - Nuuka, Elska and the much missed Zippy - who along with their sister Jess picked up Best of Sex / Best of
Breed awards at UK Championship Shows and contributed to our Top Breeder, Stud Dog & Brood Bitch Awards - so proud of you all!